Download our easy to read infographics grading charts to use as reference while you are shopping on Jewel Bear.
After learning more, Get a better sense of what you personally value in a diamond by veiwing the Jewel Bear selection here. Note the color, cut and clarity that best fit your needs.We're confident you will be pleased with what you find.
Diamond Color Chart Diamonds come in a variety of colors, some of them highly prized (pinks, blues, even yellow). However in a white diamond, the presence of a yellow tint will lower the price of a diamond. The less body color in a white diamond, the more true color it will reflect, and thus the greater its value. |
Diamond Clarity Chart Because they are formed deep within the earth, under extreme heat and pressure; virtually all diamonds contain "birthmarks"; small imperfections inside the diamond (called inclusions), or on its surface (called blemishes). Clarity refers to the degree to which these imperfections are present. |
Diamond Cut Chart Cut refers not to a diamond's shape (e.g. round, oval, pear, etc.) but to a diamond's proportions, symmetry and polish. The beauty of a diamond depends more on cut than any other factor. Though extremely difficult to analyze and quantify, diamond cut has three primary effects on appearance: brilliance, fire and scintillation. |